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Faith at Work Network


Because Christ is Risen

    As we make our plans what can those of us who have placed our faith and trust in God know with certainty? 1. The Lord is the Maker of Heaven and earth. Our journey toward our goals takes place in God’s world. God created this… Read More »Because Christ is Risen

    Why is Easter Celebrated?

      Why is Easter celebrated? Is Easter just a long weekend at the beginning of spring? Is this weekend an opportunity to open up the cottage or go camping? Is Good Friday an extra day to clean up the yard from winter, or if the weather is nice… Read More »Why is Easter Celebrated?

      God’s Abounding Love

        Photo by Jon-Jacob Van Oosterwijk Bruyn   The Lord, the Lord,the compassionate and gracious God,slow to anger,abounding in love and faithfulness.(Ex 34:6) God, the creator of the universe, the one who hung the stars in space and calls each one by name assuming the role… Read More »God’s Abounding Love

        A living hope

          Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead (1 Peter 1:3). Christ is risen! You have received God’s… Read More »A living hope

          Resurrection Hope

            Springtime is so exciting! We purchase seeds in a package which have a picture of what they will look like when they grow. God has imprinted a unique identity in each seed and helps them grow into the plant he designed them to be. In… Read More »Resurrection Hope

            Jesus is Risen

              Jesus is risen! Therefore, you can choose by faith to live with joy today. True joy comes from our risen Lord, not from your job, your marital status, your rank in life, your successes or failure or what other people say or think about you.… Read More »Jesus is Risen

              Why is Easter Important

                With less than a week until Easter, many Christians are thinking of how to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Yet despite this, there are many more Christians who view Easter as just another day of the year, just another government holiday where… Read More »Why is Easter Important

                Unfailing Love

                  God, the creator of the universe, the one who hung the stars in space and calls each one by name assuming the role of a servant and removing his outer clothing and wrapping a towel around his waist. God who created the water in the… Read More »Unfailing Love

                  The way of the Cross

                    Seeds are small and insignificant. Yet they have God’s life in them. A life that can only be fulfilled when they die. When a seed dies it lies dormant in the ground before bursting forth with life to fulfill its purpose as a plant, a… Read More »The way of the Cross