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Faith at Work Network

Membership Checkout

Membership Information

You have selected the Member Tier 1 membership level.

Members will have access to members-only content, including presentations, video conferences, and other guides and material.

The price for membership is $0.00 now.

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Members' Covenant

Ministry Leaders Members' Covenant

  1. We recognize that we are stronger when we collaborate and support each other's efforts. What binds us together is our love for God.
  2. As a chosen people, as a royal priesthood, as God's special possession, we choose to support each other and our ministries so that they will be like trees planted by streams of water which yield their fruit in season and prosper (1 Peter 2:9, Ps 1:3)
  3. With humility, gentleness, and patience we will bear with one another in love. We will make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace, while celebrating the diversity of each of our unique ministries. (Eph 4:2)