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Faith at Work Network


    Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. (1 Peter 5:6)

    Humility begins in the throne room of heaven, where you see your place in God’s divine order of creation. In humility you discover that you have been created by a loving, holy God, the creator of this universe, and see your sinfulness in the light of God’s glory. In humility you fall before God’s throne on your knees and find forgiveness.

    Humility leads to unity with Christ, the love of the Father and fellowship with other believers through the Spirit of God. 

    Humility continues with complete trust and dependence on the Creator. Trust that God is accomplishing his purposes in his own ways. Biblical humility is demonstrated by you allowing God to be God of this universe, and not trying to be God yourself.

    Humility is the strength that lets you serve others in your job, in a way that is uniquely you, without fear of losing your identity, for your identity is rooted in Christ. 

    Humility, based on Christ’s love for you, is the backbone that enables you to deeply love those around you without expectations. Because Christ has shown you how precious you are, you can show your neighbor how precious they are. 

    Since you are complete in Christ, and assured that Christ sees you and knows your heart you don’t need to seek the place of prominence out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. When God calls you to a place of prominence, then with peace humbly go there for Christ is Lord there. When God calls you to a place of obscurity, then with joy humbly go there for Christ is Lord there. 

    Humbly remember your place in God’s creation. When God created you, He blessed you with your skills and abilities, and what God has created is good. In humility acknowledge your Creator. Courageously be who God created you to be; and do what God calls you to do; where God has placed you; with and for the people God has placed in your life. This is the narrow path of faith which is marked by trust in God. 

    Never forget the grace God has shown you by forgiving your sins through faith in Christ, and allowing you to cry out Abba Father. Take the yoke of Christ upon you, and learn from him, for Christ is gentle and humble in heart, then you will find rest for your soul. Christ’s yoke is easy and his burden is light.

    Humility is a great paradox in the Kingdom of God. True humility is strength not weakness. Humility is the ability to echo the words of Jesus – “Father Forgive them for they know not what they do”.

    God of all grace, who called us to your eternal glory in Christ, we thank you that we can throw all our anxieties into your deep, deep sea of grace. Restore us, make us strong, firm and steadfast so that we can resist the devil. To you belongs all the power for ever and ever. Amen.