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Faith at Work Network

A Prayer of Rejoicing

    Lord today where we work and where we live, we clap our hands together and shout with cries of joy to you!

    Lord, Most High, truly you are awesome. You are the great King over all the earth.

    Lord we sing your praises today, for you are King not only over all the earth, you are King over where we work and live.

    Lord we rejoice that you reign over all the nations, over every workplace, over every city and town. Lord we rejoice that you are seated on your heavenly throne.

    Father, as your sons and daughters, we gather today, to exalt your holy name!

    Lord, these are difficult days for many people around the world. Grant your children a fresh vision of you seated in glory on your throne ruling over all the earth, so that they might join us in exalting your holy name!

    Lord today where we work and where we live, we clap our hands together and shout with cries of joy to you!



    Clap your hands, all you nations;
    shout to God with cries of joy.

    For the LORD Most High is awesome,
    the great King over all the earth.
    He subdued nations under us,
    peoples under our feet.
    He chose our inheritance for us,
    the pride of Jacob, whom he loved.

    God has ascended amid shouts of joy,
    the LORD amid the sounding of trumpets.
    Sing praises to God, sing praises;
    sing praises to our King, sing praises.
    For God is the King of all the earth;
    sing to him a psalm of praise.

    God reigns over the nations;
    God is seated on his holy throne.
    The nobles of the nations assemble
    as the people of the God of Abraham,
    for the kings of the earth belong to God;
    he is greatly exalted.

    (Psalm 47)