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Faith at Work Network

Extravagant Generosity

    Extravagant generosity is a bold declaration of your faith and trust in God’s faithfulness and trustworthiness.

    God is a God of extravagance. The first miracle John records in his Gospel is Jesus creating 180 gallons of new wine – more wine than the wedding crowd can consume. The last miracle John records is 153 fish jumping into the disciples’ net as he waited for them on the shores of the Sea of Galilee after his resurrection. This was the same place where Jesus fed five thousand hungry people with a little boy’s lunch of five loaves and two fishes. The most extravagant act of generosity is Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross so that through faith we could have eternal life and enter God’s Kingdom.

    Living with extravagant generosity isn’t easy, particularly in workplace’s characterized by scarcity where we are expected to do more with less. Extravagant generosity is only possible when we shift our focus from scarcity to God’s abundance. God is present in your workplace, and wherever God is present, there is abundance.

    Extravagant generosity in your workplace comes from focusing on God’s character.

    Extravagant generosity in your workplace is a living demonstration of God’s love.

    Extravagant generosity in your workplace is only possible because of God’s blessings on your life.

    Extravagant generosity in your workplace flows from a heart of thanksgiving.

    Extravagant generosity in the workplace can be demonstrated in a simple act of quietly listening without judgment. Generosity may be expressed by speaking a kind or gracious word to a co-worker, or by exercising patience with a colleague or customer. Extravagant generosity can be demonstrated by sharing the load of an overworked colleague or taking the time to show a colleague a better way to do their work. To be extravagantly generous may require walking a mile in a coworkers’ shoes to understand them. Sometimes extravagant generosity requires sacrifices.

    There will be people who will question you or ridicule you for your generosity in the workplace. There will be people who will take advantage of your generosity. These actions and words hurt but they don’t define who you are. You are God’s beloved child.

    Acts of extravagant generosity in your workplace that flow from a pure heart and clean hands are acts of worship to God that rise like a sweet-smelling fragrance through your workplace to the throne room of heaven

    Lord today where we work and where we live, we clap our hands together and shout with cries of joy to you!