Jesus is risen! Therefore, you can choose by faith to live with joy today. True joy comes from our risen Lord, not from your job, your marital status, your rank in life, your successes or failure or what other people say or think about you.
Jesus is risen! Therefore, you can choose by faith to live with hope today. Our risen Lord is sure testimony to the end of the story. Our risen Lord offers a certain hope that Jesus will return.
Jesus is risen! Therefore, you can choose by faith to live with peace in your heart today. God, who orchestrated your redemption in a way you never dreamed, can take care of you in ways you never imagined.
Jesus is risen! Therefore, you can choose by faith to love your coworkers, your friends and your family today. It is God’s supernatural, abundant love for you that enables you to extravagantly love the people God has placed in your life.
Jesus is risen! Therefore, you can choose by faith to acknowledge God’s presence in each circumstance of your workday. God has promised to never leave you or forsake you. You can count on that promise because Jesus’ resurrection is proof positive that God is a promise keeping God.
Jesus is risen! Therefore, you can choose by faith to invite Jesus to be with you in your meetings, your presentations, your paper work, and your interactions with customers. Jesus won’t force himself into your life. Jesus will gladly enter your home, your workplace, your life if you will welcome him in.
Jesus is risen! Therefore, you can choose by faith to enter God’s presence. You can choose by faith today to allow Jesus’s shed blood to cleanse you from all unrighteousness so that you can stand holy and blameless in God’s presence.
Jesus is risen! Therefore, you can choose by faith to come to God right now with your hopes and dreams, your fears, doubts, and anxieties and lay them at the foot of the empty cross. Jesus cares about what is on your heart. God who alone had the power to raise Jesus from the dead, is more than powerful enough to deal with each circumstance in your life and your associated fears, doubts and anxieties.
Jesus is risen! Therefore, you can choose by faith to come to God right now with your questions. You are not the first person to ask hard questions. When you bring your questions to God, you are bringing them to the Creator of the world. Bring your questions to the One who lovingly formed you with your abilities and skills. Bring your questions to the one who created your coworkers, your family and friends. Jesus doesn’t want you perplexed or confused.
Jesus is risen! Therefore, you can choose by faith to embrace an intimate love relationship with your Redeemer, Savior and Lord today. Head knowledge about the resurrection is informative and insightful but won’t change anything about your day.
Jesus is risen! Therefore, you can choose by faith to allow Jesus to be your Shepherd, your Father, your Redeemer and your Lord.
Jesus is risen! Therefore, you can choose by faith to hear his voice say “I love you”, “you are forgiven”, “I’ve got this”, “Come follow me, my burden is easy and my yoke is light”.