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Faith at Work Network


    I know God can do all things;

    no purpose of God’s can be thwarted. (Job 42:2)


    The baby born in Bethlehem, the carpenter of Nazareth, the enthroned Lord of this universe is worthy of your praise, honor and worship this year! 


    Everything you have today exists because He created it. He set the heavens in their place, established the clouds above, established the boundaries of the oceans, and marked out the foundations of the earth. 


    The King of Kings, the Wonderful Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace is lovingly ruling over everything that will happen in your life this year.


    In the midst of the realities of life and death, work and unemployment, sickness and health you don’t need to keep searching. 


    God’s celestial voice speaks to you through his word providing all that you need to know. Your relationship with Christ is your anchor of stability. 


    The exalted and risen Christ, full of grace and truth, stepped into history and provided purification for your sins graciously offering you a way past any shameful or embarrassing moments. 


    Relax, for when you face affliction, persecution or temptation, you can cry out Abba Father, and know that he understands.


    Celebrate this year knowing that God can do all things! No purpose of God’s can be foiled. Look to Christ with adoration, as he rules and sustains everything that is happening in your world. God’s plans for you are more wonderful than you can comprehend!



    Father thank you for sending your son, Jesus, to step into history, so that my sins might be washed away. Open my eyes to see all that you are doing, so that I might live this year celebrating your goodness and glory. Amen