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Faith at Work Network


    But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. (1 Peter 2:9)

    Your faith at work is a bold declaration of the abundant provision of God. God’s provision is more than enough to provide for the physical, emotional and spiritual needs for you and your brothers and sisters in Christ. 

    God has sufficient grace to enable you and your colleagues to forgive each other. God’s power which raised Jesus Christ from the dead is more than sufficient to deliver each person from the power of evil. God has sufficient wisdom to keep each person’s foot from stumbling.

    Walking by faith and being transformed into God’s image takes decades and we often grow weary. It’s easy to back away from the ragged edge of longing for God and settling for something less. In community you have the privilege of whispering hope into the lives of those who are weary and reminding them that God alone will continue to satisfy their soul. 

    Faith at work is not just about you. As God’s child, you are part a chosen people, royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. (1 Peter 2:9). As part of God’s royal priesthood you have the privilege of interceding for your brothers and sisters in Christ and for all those who aren’t Christian’s yet. 

    Faith at work is about upholding your brothers and sisters in Christ in prayer and with words of encouragement so that they don’t stumble when they are discouraged. Faith at work is holding up the hands of your brothers and sisters in Christ so that they too can experience the joy of forgiveness. 

    Faith at work is walking alongside your brothers and sisters in Christ so that they can have the privilege of taking their part in the God’s great divine drama. Faith at work is remembering that God is the Father of all who believe, and helping other believers see how their life fits into God’s story.

    Prayer: Heavenly Father you see the joys and struggles my brothers and sisters in Christ are facing today at work. May they know you as all sufficient, all powerful, all righteousness and all compassionate today in their workplace. Amen.


    James Bruyn