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Faith at Work Network

Faith at Work Network

Finding Wisdom

    Do you know where you can find wisdom? Do you know where you can find understanding? Can you find wisdom among the living? Is wisdom found at the bottom of the sea or the top of the highest mountain? Can you buy wisdom with your credit card? Or is wisdom more valuable than the purest gold?

    There are aspects of our experience that transcend our human understanding, that don’t fit into nice logical formula. At those times when we pause to reflect on “how then can anyone understand their own way?” Wisdom would answer that “A person’s steps are directed by the Lord” (Prov 20:24).

    There are times in life when it is challenging to distinguish truth from falsehood and we need words of insight. There are times when we need understanding – when we need to see what God sees, and we need the knowledge that God only possesses. There are those occasions when we need wisdom just to be aware of the fact that we require insight and understanding.

    The one who bought us with the blood of his son, the one who redeemed us, the one who is wisdom, freely offers to provide us with his wisdom. God’s wisdom sees the events that our happening in our life and this world in the context of eternity. His wisdom will show us just what we need for this moment in time.

    The wisdom that God offers us will bring honor (Prov 14:18), strength (Prov 24:5); and protection (Prov 22:12), but not necessarily as the world defines these. God freely offers us words of insight so that we know how to speak and respond in the situations we find ourselves in. God freely offers us instruction so that we can control our natural inclination to sin.

    God has established absolutes of righteousness, justice and fairness which flow out of his character so that we can stay on the straight path and not turn off to the right or the left.

    Godly wisdom directs us to place our trust not in what was created, but in the Creator himself. Trusting the Creator leads to righteous behavior. Righteous behavior results in a life that is rich in all of its dimensions both now and forever.

    God freely offers to teach us discretion so that we can make plans to formulate the best course of action towards our calling to live holy lives as his sons and daughters.

    Ask the Lord out of his infinite wisdom to show you where you need insight, understanding, knowledge and / or discretion. Then humbly trust, obey and repeat.