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Faith at Work Network

Faith at Work Network

God offers you rest!

    Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.(Matt 11:28)

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    In the midst of the hustle and bustle of life, there is a living voice softly whispering in your ear, “Come unto me, and I will give you rest.” This is the voice that spoke creation into being. This is the voice of the living, risen Savior speaking to you today.

    There is a voice actively crying out to you, “Come unto me, and I will give you rest.” This voice knows the condition of your heart. This voice is alive today, transforming lives, healing broken hearts, and setting captives free.

    You can rest today, for the living, effective, all-powerful Word of God is accomplishing what God desires, and the purposes for which God sent it to proclaim.

    God invites you today to:

    • Rest from having to take matters into your own hands;
    • Rest from trying to please your coworkers or your leader;
    • Rest from running or aimless wandering;
    • Rest from loneliness, bondage, or shame. 
    • Rest from worry … worry about your life, survival, your family, your body, your work or tomorrow
    • Rest from fear … fear of those who mock you, hate you, or ridicule you;
    • Rest from fear of the wicked, the proud, the arrogant or those filled with perverse speech.

    God invites you today to:

    • Rest reflecting on the mighty acts of God. 
    • Rest allowing your faith to grow in the awesome dimensions of God’s power. 
    • Rest and worship God. 
    • Rest and seek the Kingdom of God 
    • Rest and hear the voice of wisdom and learn the paths of righteousness. 
    • Rest knowing that when you ask you will freely receive; knowing that when you seek you will find; and when you knock the door will be opened to you. 
    • Rest so God can fill you with peace, quietness, confidence. 
    • Rest and rejoice in God’s presence, delighting in at all God has done, is doing and will do.• Rest so that you can be who God created you to be. 
    • Rest so that you can do what God created you to do with the gifts, talents and skills God blessed you with. 
    • Rest so that you can co-labor with Christ in taking care of God’s creation and ruling over God’s creation. 

    What a privilege you have as God’s child, to share in the rest that God enjoys today. Do not miss out through disobedience, a hard heart, bad choices, or lack of faith. Appropriate the divine promises and rest in God.

    For in repentance and rest is your salvation. In quietness and trust is your strength (Isa 30:15).

    Prayer  Quiet my heart Lord. Help me Lord to trust in you. Take away Lord my worries, my fears, my anxieties and replace them with your love, your joy and your peace. I choose to rest today in you. Amen.

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    James Bruyn