Power Series – Part Four
“You will receive POWER when Holy Spirit comes on you TO BE My representative…” Acts 1:8a
Is the church less than alive?
This is an immensely important question in view of the idolatrous, unjust, immoral and unethical odors polluting the cultures of our day. A church fully alive is a movement of power. A church less than alive is a movement of another kind of power. This is an immensely important question because of the intentions of Christ when He said, “I will build my church…” (Matthew 16:18).
Words have power and our understanding of them influences how we think and act. When Jesus spoke of the church He would build, He did not use a word that meant “a building”. This is the common understanding in our culture – “What church do you go to?”. Jesus used the word, “ecclesia”, when translated into English means, “legislative assembly”. The kind of church He intended to build was not a place but rather an expansive source of spiritual power against which, “The forces of evil will not prevail or overcome now or ever …” (Matthew 16:18).
A legislative assembly exists to govern, through the creation and implementation of law. This idea is symbolized in the badge an officer of the law wears on their chest. Because the authority of the government is vested in the badge, when an officer says, “Stop in the name of the law!” obedience is demanded. Those who choose differently can expect to experience the power of the officer to enforce the law.
Jesus intent for the church is to move in spiritual authority and power. His intent is vested in His declaration, “I give you complete and free access to God’s kingdom resources in heaven. I give you the keys to crush the outworking of the devil on earth and to release spiritual blessings from heaven. Yours is to lock up and to unleash!” (Matthew 16:19).
Does this sound like a church less than alive? This too is an immensely important question.
How easy it is for me to forget the truest identity of ecclesia, Your church. I am the church. I carry Your spiritual authority and power. You gave it to me, to us, your followers, so the people in our sphere of influence will be set free to flourish. Help us to remember who we are so we will be fully alive! Amen.