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Faith at Work Network

Leading a Team

    I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. (1 Cor 1:4)

    As a leader or a person of influence we should first humbly admit that we are leading our team by the free grace and goodwill of God.

    Our relationship with Christ enables us to love the team God has entrusted to us, and to lead or influence them with the same love God has shown us. Our attitude and behavior is a reflection of our faith in Christ.

    As we lead our team, we must remember that like ourselves, each team member was created by God, in His image. Just like us they are fearfully and wonderfully made; and all the days ordained for them were written in God’s book before one of them was born (Psalm 139:13-16).

    We must remember that God has plans for each of these individuals, plans to prosper and not to harm them (Jer 29:11). For this season God has brought each one of them together with their unique gifts and talents, under our leadership. As leaders God has entrusted us with a great privilege to lead these precious people who Jesus died for.

    We should value each of the team members and their humanity with grace, reasonableness, thoughtfulness, and respect. With vulnerability we must allow who we are, our grace, and our sense of humor to guide every conversation.

    Our interactions and the cues that we use to get to the common good, to the goals of the project are what differentiate us as Christ followers.

    We bring value, significance, and hope to our team members, not in what we do, but by being with them. Of course we need words, but it is through our gestures, ways of looking, and by listening attentively that we communicate loving presence.

    Thought for the day

    What is one thing you are thankful for of each person you work with?


    God, our Father, and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ we fall on our knees in thanksgiving to you for each person we work with. Amen