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Faith at Work Network

Praying for Wisdom in the Workplace

    Holy Spirit, help me to hear what you are teaching me today in the realities of my life and work. Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

    Father, thank you for your love and faithfulness towards me. Help me to keep your commands in my heart. Keep my heart from wandering away from you. Fill my heart with love and faithfulness to you and to each person I work with today.

    Lord, I have tried leaning on the broken branch of my own understanding, but it doesn’t always work out very well. In this moment I choose to rest and trust in you my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer.

    Father, I don’t know what lies ahead for tomorrow, but I know that you will make my paths straight and that is all that matters. I choose to follow you, and in humble obedience take the next faithful step, so that I can continue to know the unspeakable joy of your presence in my life.

    Father, I have tried trusting my own wisdom, but it is unable to bring me to the paths of righteousness. I now know my wisdom is like a speck of dust compared to the vastness of your wisdom that laid the earth’s foundations and set the heavens in place.

    Father, I believe that your wisdom is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold, and I desire nothing less than knowing your wisdom this moment, right here, right now where I am living and working.

    Lord, grant me the wisdom to act justly with the people I work with, to love mercy and to walk humbly with you through the activities of my day.

    Lord, you have blessed me with so many things and you have given me amazing talents and abilities. Sustain me so that I can lavishly share these blessings with those around me.

    I rejoice that with you are at my side, hemming me in behind and before. With your hand upon me, I can go about this day in safety, knowing that my foot will not stumble. May the inner contentment, delight, peace, and joy of living in your presence be evident to all.
