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Faith at Work Network

Pure Hearts

    God knows and cares about every aspect of your heart – your emotions, your feelings, your desires, your passions, your thoughts, your reflections. Your heart matters to God!

    God has done an amazing, generous work in your life! God has given you a new heart! God has removed your heart of stone and given you a heart of flesh.

    God has written his law upon your heart. God’s law guards your heart from the attacks of Satan. God’s Spirit within you enables you to walk in God’s statutes. God’s spirit within you enables you to carefully observe God’s ordinances.

    God freely purifies the heart of all who believe in Jesus. God renews your heart daily when you unreservedly offer your heart to him. When things go well at work, or when your heart is broken, cry out to God to purify your heart and renew a steadfast spirit within you.

    With a pure heart you can know God and delight in his favor no matter what is happening at work. When you mess up a task at work draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith. When you are entangled in misunderstandings ask God to cleanse your heart. When meetings go horribly wrong or when projects crash and burn hold fast to the confession of your hope without wavering, for God who promised is faithful.

    With a pure heart you can experience unceasing joy to which masks, politics and drama are complete strangers. With a pure heart, God’s divine light will illuminate every relationship with truth and transparency.

    God is good to those who are pure in heart. When the storms of life threaten to drown you, take hold of God’s hand and he will lift you up. When you envy the arrogant, or are jealous of the prosperity of the wicked, grab hold of God’s hand and he will not let your foot slip.

    The workplace presents many idols and false gods for you to trust in. A pure heart is not divided between these idols and God’s love. Eventually these false gods will disappoint you. Pursuing the idols of power, wealth, possessions, and desire for pleasure at all costs will lead to the abyss of sorrow and anguish. Your own abilities, a meeting well run, a project successfully completed cannot give you a new heart.

    Instead of the idols and false gods of the workplace which cannot speak, which cannot love, which cannot move, God has given you the Holy Spirit. Yield to the gentle urges of the Holy Spirit and your heart will remain pure. Allow the Holy Spirit to remove the idols of your human heart and transform your heart into God’s temple.

    Only the knowledge that you are loved unconditionally by God gives meaning to your life. When you are reconciled to God through the cross you are free – free from the law, free form the power of sin, free form the fear of death, free to live and serve the Lord who has given you a new heart in the power of the Spirit.

    Because God has given you a pure heart, you can stand in God’s presence without any fears. With a pure heart you can be awestruck with the glory of God’s holiness. With a pure heart you can be comforted by his grace.

    Who can say “I have kept my heart pure; I am clean and without sin”?
    With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible (Prov 20:9; Matt 19:26).