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Faith at Work Network

Ten Ways a Leader Can Follow Jesus

    1. Confidently start each day by acknowledging that God, is your God. Acknowledge that God is the creator of the universe, your Creator, your Savior, Lord and Redeemer. 
    2. Earnestly seek God every morning, not for what God can do for you, or to solve the challenges you will face that day, but simply for who God is. 
    3. Admit that your thirst for God can’t be satisfied on your terms or by your skills or abilities. 
    4. Put on the full armor of God, before you start your workday, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For your struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Eph 6:11-17) 
    5. Stand humbly in reverent silence, in the presence of your holy and righteous Savior waiting to hear God’s voice. Hearing God’s voice aligns your hopes and expectations for the work you lead with God’s will. 
    6. Finds your satisfaction in Jesus alone, whether things go well, or things blow up in your face. 
    7. Acknowledge that God alone has the wisdom to deal with the politics of your workplace. 
    8. Demonstrate for all to see that the power, glory and surpassing value of God’s loyal love is better than your career or life itself. 
    9. Trust that God will deal righteously and justly with those whose behavior is not in line with God’s word and way. 
    10. End your day with thanksgiving by meditating on how you have seen God demonstrate his faithfulness, power, glory and lovingkindness throughout your day.