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Faith at Work Network

Unwavering Commitment

    In repentance and rest
    is your salvation,
    In quietness and trust
    is your strength.
    (Isa 30:15)

    God says to you “Don’t be afraid; I will help you” (Isa 41:13).

    God gives you the faith you need this moment to live above any cares you may have about your work.

    God initiated His relationship with you. God gave you the faith to accept Him as your Savior and Father.

    In your career there will arise opportunities for God to use your skills and abilities in unique ways. You can embrace these opportunities without fear and with joy if you are wholly committed to God. Prepare for them by being a wise steward of the skills and talents God has given you.

    Before you enter your workplace, before you commence a new project, when you are in the middle of a project or as you are wrapping up a project remember your commitment to God. For it is God who has blessed you with the abilities to do your work. It is God who has blessed this world with the principles and theories that your work depends upon.

    Don’t lose sight of the precious treasure you possess as God’s cherished child. God, the creator and possessor of heaven and earth is the source of all the blessings you enjoy. God, the King of righteousness, the Prince of peace, has blessed you in a royal fashion with joy and life.

    Your commitment to God is a lifetime love relationship with God demonstrated in every circumstance, with each person you interact and everywhere you go.

    Hope in the Lord!

    Committed to Integrity

    Your commitment to God is a commitment to honor the Lord. You honor the Lord by the way you use the skills and abilities God has blessed you with. You honor the Lord by your integrity in word and actions. You honor the Lord by the way you love and serve people. You honor the Lord by obedience to God in the place where you find yourself today.

    Living life in close communion with God provides the strength you need to stand firm in all circumstances, no matter who you work with or where you work.

    Your commitment to God, keeps you away from the temptations of this world. When you rightfully understand who God is, all the wonderful things of this world take their right place as things you can enjoy and use wisely; instead of becoming idols which separate you from God.

    When you stand secure in the protection of God’s power, and rest in the blessings of God, then you don’t need to look to the people you work with, your employer or your work, for blessing or power. When you are wholeheartedly committed to God, God sets you free to do your work without any expectations of reward.

    Committed to People

    Your commitment to God is a commitment to love and serve the people God has placed in your life. Your commitment to God is a commitment to love and serve the people in your church, the people you work with, and the people you play with.

    When you are committed to God, you can work with joy side by side wonderful loving Christians and with people who have not yet experienced God’s grace, mercy and love. Why? – because when you commit your life to God, God is fully committed to you.

    Nothing and no person can separate you from God’s love. The lifestyle and choices of the people you work with doesn’t change God’s unwavering commitment to you.

    The people God has placed in your life may tempt you to respond sinfully to them or may tempt you into sinful behavior. However, when God holds first place in your life, God will give you the strength to lead you away from temptation and to deliver you from evil.

    You won’t be the first person, or the last person to respond sinfully to the people around you. When David was snubbed by Nabal, he was ready to kill him and would have done so if Abigail, Nabal’s wife hadn’t intervened (1 Sam 25). Peter succumbed to the pressure of the servants around the fire the night Jesus was arrested. But know this – when you respond sinfully, God is merciful and gracious, and freely offers you forgiveness.

    When you are committed to the people you work with, even if they don’t share your values and ethics, you are demonstrating your unwavering faith that God has blessed each of your coworkers and friends with their skills and abilities.

    When you are wholly committed to God, you will be known as a man or woman after God’s own heart.

    Committed to a Place

    Your commitment to God, is a commitment to the place where you find yourself right now. God created the place where you are. God has placed you where you are. God is present at the place where you work.

    Your commitment to God, is a commitment to remain where you are, to remain in your workplace, to remain with your family, to remain in your church until God leads you somewhere else.

    When you are committed to God, you can sing praises to God in the darkest of places, even as Paul and Silas could sing while they were in prison (Acts 16:25). Hagar, a slave, fleeing abuse discovered that God is the God who sees.

    What might God be revealing to you about who He is today in your workplace?

    Spending 40 years in the back desert, watching the sun rise and set day after day, Moses learned God is transcendent and immanent. Whether he was fighting Goliath, running from Saul, or King over Israel David learned that God overflows with grace and forgiveness.

    Knowing when to move on or when to stay is a commitment to obedience and trust in God.

    Be careful. Sometimes like Jonah you can choose to take a boat in the opposite direction to where God is calling you. Sometimes you can consciously or subconsciously make choices that limit the places where you can go.

    Don’t be afraid of the place that God has brought you to. Don’t be afraid of the place God is calling you to. God knows exactly what you need for the place where you are today. God knows exactly what you need for the place God is calling you to.

    Out of God’s infinite storehouse of riches and blessing, God will supply your every need. So remain wholly committed to God, passionately seeking his Kingdom as you go about your work today.


    Father, forgive me for getting wrapped up in everything that is happening around me, and forgetting that you are the King of righteousness and the Prince of peace. Thank you for all your blessings, including this job. Help me to remain steadfastly committed to you. Amen.