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Faith at Work Network


Celebrate Forgiveness

    Today you have a reason to celebrate! Today you have a reason to be glad! God out of his infinite grace and mercy offers you his gift of forgiveness! God’s mercy toward you as a sinner is the root that empowers you to join the… Read More »Celebrate Forgiveness


      In the job where God has placed you, you can learn the sweet lessons of contentment. Contentment which you will enjoy perfectly in heaven. Contentment is the secret to courageous obedience to God. A contented spirit is like a watch that keeps on ticking whether… Read More »Contentment

      God’s Voice Shatters Pride

        The proud, mighty cedars of Lebanon that have survived for centuries are shattered into pieces at the sound of the voice of the Lord (Ps 29:5). Pride and chaos may try to drown out God’s voice, but God’s word prevails shattering rocky, stubborn, mountainous pride.… Read More »God’s Voice Shatters Pride

        Press on Faithful Servant

          Precious Savior, will you strengthen me today so that I can press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus? (Phil 3:14). Forgive me for turning my eyes from your glorious light and being distracted… Read More »Press on Faithful Servant