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Faith at Work Network



    Our lives flourish when in faith we believe that the place where we are working today is the place where God has planted us. Every place where people work is a part of God’s creation. Our lives flourish because God showers us with abundant blessings,… Read More »Flourishing

    Righteous Before God

      How blessed are we who build our lives on Christ, the solid rock!What can shake the foundation of our lives?We stand together in God’s holy city, on the rock of God’s heavenly love. We belong to God’s Kingdom, which cannot be overthrown!A Kingdom that defies… Read More »Righteous Before God

      Meditate on God

        Jesus invites us today, held closely by his hands which held his body up on the cross, to meditate on his unfailing love while we are at work. Jesus invites us today, held closely by his nail pierced hands, to meditate on his righteousness while… Read More »Meditate on God

        Honoring God

          I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope. (PS 130:5) Faith at work is a quiet trust that believes that God will act to vindicate his holy name and silence the taunts of the enemy. Faith… Read More »Honoring God

          Don’t be afraid!

            Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people (Luke 2:10) Your prayers have been heard! God’s promises will be fulfilled at the proper time. The word of God will never fail! The day is coming… Read More »Don’t be afraid!


              The eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love. (Ps 33:18) View this devotional on YouTube At the intersection of your spiritual life and your career, there are two road signs. One sign is… Read More »Hope!

              I have learned to be content


                In the job where God has placed you; you can learn the sweet lessons of contentment. Contentment which you will enjoy perfectly in heaven. Contentment is the secret to courageous obedience to God A contented spirit is like a watch that keeps on ticking whether… Read More »Contentment

                Celebrate Forgiveness!

                  Today you have a reason to celebrate! Today you have a reason to be glad! God out of his infinite grace and mercy offers you his gift of forgiveness! God’s mercy toward you as a sinner is the root that empowers you to join the… Read More »Celebrate Forgiveness!

                  Pure Hearts

                    God knows and cares about every aspect of your heart – your emotions, your feelings, your desires, your passions, your thoughts, your reflections. Your heart matters to God! God has done an amazing, generous work in your life! God has given you a new heart!… Read More »Pure Hearts