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Faith at Work Network


Receiving the Holy Spirit

      Jesus’ ministry didn’t end at his ascension but continues today from heaven through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a unique person, in fact the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead. God freely gives the Holy Spirit to communicate God’s… Read More »Receiving the Holy Spirit

    Jesus a Man of Power

      “You will receive power when Holy Spirit comes on you TO BE My representative…” Acts 1:8a When you think of Jesus was He a man of power or humility? The answer to the question posed is, “Jesus was both”. The story of Jesus washing the… Read More »Jesus a Man of Power

      Extravagant Generosity

        Extravagant generosity is a bold declaration of your faith and trust in God’s faithfulness and trustworthiness. God is a God of extravagance. The first miracle John records in his Gospel is Jesus creating 180 gallons of new wine – more wine than the wedding crowd… Read More »Extravagant Generosity

        True Satisfaction

          There is a way for you to be truly satisfied in life. There is a way for you to press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called you heavenward in Christ Jesus (Phil 3:14). There is a way to… Read More »True Satisfaction

          What is true wisdom?

            St. Augustine says that true wisdom is the fear of God. Ecclesiastes echoes this idea throughout the entire book, always coming back to the need to fear God. Yet what is fear of God? If God loves the world so much that He sent His… Read More »What is true wisdom?