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Faith at Work Network

Daily Devotionals

Is an adversity free life possible?

Is Eric Weihenmayer right? Eric Weihenmayer lost his eyesight at the age of 15. He is the exemplar the adversity advantage. Eric is the only blind person in history to…

What does it take to bounce back?

It seems the most resilient people on the planet are people who have learned to show up with a hope-filled outlook. This learning does not come easily as life has…

A Prayer of Rejoicing

Lord today where we work and where we live, we clap our hands together and shout with cries of joy to you! Lord, Most High, truly you are awesome. You…

A Prayer for God’s Presence

Father we thank you that you our are refuge and strength. Thank you, Lord, that you not only see the troubles we are facing today but are our ever-present help…

A prayer for hope

Lord, for those who are thirsting after you today, satisfy their thirst with your living water. Lord, for those who are longing to meet with you, open their eyes to…

For Those Who Are Waiting

My child, I see you, and I hear your cry. My child, I have the power to lift you out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire…

A Prayer for Those Who are Suffering

Lord we pray for those who are suffering, that one day soon, they would declare that you have brought them to a place of abundance. Lord we pray for those…
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